teaching schedule


January 2025
Jan 07
07 January 2025 - 11 January 2025
Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Rd
Los Altos, CA 94022

A 5-day silent retreat focusing on the cultivation of natural awareness, relaxation and skillful understanding of our moment-to-moment experience. This retreat will be offered in the teaching style of meditation master Sayadaw U Tejaniya, who emphasizes approaching meditation with relaxed interest and allowing experience to be known in a simple way as it unfolds naturally. There will be alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation. There will be daily instructions, reflections and group practice discussions, offered by the teachers.

Jan 12
12 January 2025 - 19 January 2025
Insight Retreat Center, 1906 Glen Canyon Rd
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

This is an opportunity to come together in the safety of community, embracing all of ourselves, as we cultivate the wholesome and loving qualities of our hearts and minds. There will be alternating sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks and practice discussion meetings with the teachers. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners who self-identify as LGBTQIA+.

For an Overview of Classes and Talks

Joseph Goldstein:

"We need to retreat from worldly lifestyles to see more deeply into our experience, and the more we are able to do that, the more depth we can then bring back into our worldly lives."

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